Tutorial: Items on the Studio Wall

Items on the Studio Wall

When you've added items to a studio wall, you can click and drag them to move them around (as we mentioned in the tutorial Update the Studio Wall).

You can actually select multiple items to move them by holding the CTRL key while clicking items. The green selection border will display around both:

When you have multiple items selected, you can move them together by clicking and dragging one of them.

If you double-click an item on the Studio Wall, the following will happen:

  • If you double-click a photo, it will display in the slideshow (see the tutorial Viewing the Studio Wall Slideshow for a thorough explanation).
  • If you double-click a video, a dialog box will display:
    If possible, we will play the video for you--we can accomodate numerous popular video sites such as YouTube and TikTok. However, in some cases, you will have to click the link at the bottom to view it in another window or tab.
  • If you double-click a PDF file, it will display in your Web browser:
    You can read through it, save it, or print it out.
  • If you double-click a text item, you'll see the Add or update a text item on your Studio Wall edit box:
    You can edit the text or change its font, color, size, and so on.
  • What else can you do with items on the Studio Wall? You can right-click them to see a context menu. Let's look at that next.

    Up next: The Item Context Menu

    Previously: Introduction / Adding Items