Tutorial: Annotating a Photo

You can create four kinds of annotations on a photo:

  • Whole image annotations, which apply to the whole image.
  • Circles, which draw a circle around a feature you want to comment on.
  • Ovals, which draw an oval around something you want to annotate.
  • Rectangles, which frame something you want to highlight.

So, to make an annotation:

  1. Click the toolbar button of the shape of the annotation you want to make.
  2. For circles, ovals, and rectangles, click and drag to create the border/frame around the item you want to comment on.

    For example, if you have selected a rectangle, click the top left corner and drag to the lower right corner. You will see a border display as you drag:

  3. When you release the mouse button, the annotation dialog box displays:
    Note that the dialog box does not automatically display if you've added a whole image annotation--you have to click the edit button that displays at the top of the photo when you mouse over it. You can type a comment, or you can click the red button to record an audio clip.
  4. If you click the red button, audio controls display:
    You can record up to five minutes of audio per audio clip (you can record more than one audio clip per annotation). When you're done, click the . You can listen to what you've recorded and make sure it's what you want to say--if not, you can click the x button to remove it and record another.
  5. When you have typed and recorded all the commentary you want to provide, click Save.

When you save an annotation, you will see the outline over the photograph; you can mouse over the annotation on the photo to read or play back what you've said. You will also find the annotations for this photograph in a table at the right beneath the title and description:

You can edit an existing annotation by clicking the little pencil button () or you can delete it by clicking the delete button ().

When you have finished making annotations on this photo, you can click the grid button () to see all the photos again.

Once you have made all the annotations you want on the photos in the critique, you're ready to make a Critique Summary.

Up next: The Critique Summary

Previously: The Annotation Controls